ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 12(140) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

Impact Factor 6.630


p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)

e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2024

Issue: 12

Volume: 140

Published: 30.12.2024

Pages: 367


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1. Miniakhmetov, A.A., Sultanakhmetova, G.F., Atdinov, F.R., & Atdinova, A.D.
Research of theoretical and methodological foundations of integration of physics and chemistry in the process of teaching on the basis of secondary comprehensive school as subjects of natural science cycle.

2. Turaeva, B., & Cakan, V.
The role of the chronotope in contemporary novels: a study of parable-novels.

3. Sadullayeva, Sh.A., Shermukhamedov, A.T., & Abdunazarova, Sh.
Development of railway transport in Uzbekistan.

4. Sayidyrahimova, D.S.
Study of adverbial lexemes in Kyrgyz and Uzbek linguistics.

5. Emmanuel, N.N.Ch., & Sergeev, A.
Testing the performance of virtual machines using VMware Workstation and Oracle VirtualBox hypervisors under linux OS.

6. Abdieva, G.B., & Nurmamatova, R.R.
Mechanical properties of the human body and the impact of vibrations on them.

7. Hayitov, U.
Dynamics and functional directions of political processes and their characteristics in Uzbekistan.

8. Takazov, F.M.
The archetype of the Kuyrismadzog image in Ossetian demonology.

9. Zhukov, A.N., Ayrapetov, D.A., Khakimov, M.M., & Alimov, T.M.
A comprehensive approach to fire safety at industrial enterprises: personnel training and risk management.

10. Аmanov, B.Kh.
Formation of the number of boll flaps in one plant in backcross hybrids of peruvian cotton species.

11. Tajiboyev, B.
About field theory in linguistics.

12. Sarsenbaev, D.B., & Sharipov, K.A.
Analyzing the evolution of transformer oil purification methods.

13. Nurimbetov, A.U., & Kypshakbay, A.B.
Some information from graphe theory and its application to the study of sparkly symmetric matrices.

14. Rafiddinov, S., & Utanova, S.
Artistic interpretation of issues hurrian and enlightenment in the poems of Avaz Utar.

15. Qo‘ziboyev, A.O.
The dry mass of roots and their distribution in fine-fiber cotton varieties in soil layers.

16. Safarov, I.I., et al.
Effect of pressure wave on cylindrical shell with compressible liquid.

17. Safarov, I.I., et al.
Natural and forced oscillations of plate and pipeline systems.

18. Aminov, H.A.
Life and works of Mavlano Ismatullah Bukhary.

19. Shakirov, I.R.
History of trade and economic relations of Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

20. Hidirova, M., & Xolboyeva, N.
Prospects for application of dna computing in robotic technologies in medicine.

21. Abdikodirov, M.A.
Development of a method for obtaining genetic lines balanced by two non-allelic Z-letals with increased quality indicators of cocoons of the silkworm bombyx mori L.

22. Bondarenko, K.A., & Sergeev, A.
Comparison of memory performance of docker containers and the linux operating system.

23. Mukhambetzhanov, C.T., Zheksenkhan, A., & Zhakashova, E.A.
Mathematical model of body movements under the dynamic influence of moving loads.

24. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Historical lexicographicaland lexico-semantic aspects of shoes to help its producers and consumers.

25. Korotkova, O.I., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On the possibilities of migrants to adapt to their residence in the regions of Russia.

26. Akhmedjanov, A.R.
Factors and opportunities for increasing the efficiency of economic resource.

27. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Features of social and economic development of single-industry towns of the Russian Federation.

28. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., & Volkova, G.Yu.
The fate of light industry in successful import substitution of goods is in the hands of the Wise Buddha.

29. Okhrimenko, O.I., Vilisova, M.L., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On the importance of a significant increase in the quality of domestic products for its import substitution.

30. Gubeeva, A.T., & Sergeev, A.
Comparing the speed of performing arithmetic operations with integers and real numbers on a windows host and in a docker container.

31. Chemezov, D., et al.
Natural vibrations of the impeller and their effect on the pressure distribution over the blade area.

32. Chemezov, D., et al.
Effect of cell voltage on electrochemical machining parameters.

33. Sergeev, A., & Amelchenko, D.
Investigating the performance of virtual machines on VMware Workstation and Microsoft Hyper-V.

34. Zloba, Yu.S., & Mazhenova, Zh.A.
Various ideas for conducting the reflection stage in mathematics lessons.

35. Blazhkovskii, A.
Optimization of mobile application performance: modern approaches and methods.

36. Zhanatauov, S.U.
Cognitive model: Ringelmann effect.

37. Ainakulov, Zh., Iskakova, A., & Kurmankulova, G.
Smart sensors and internet of things technologies as a basis for resource management in manufacturing processes: the potential of deep learning and VR technologies.

38. Abdullina, L.
Efficiency of waste management models in transition economies: a comparative analysis of Georgia and Eastern European countries.

39. Shakirova, S.T.
Approaches to enhance future Uzbek language teachers' digital literacy.

40. Hajiyeva, K.B., & Huseynova, Kh.
The role of curriculum in teaching.

41. Stepurin, K., & Sergeev, A.
Testing the performance of virtual machines using VMware fusion and Oracle VirtualBox on macOS.

42. Antonenko, M., & Sergeev, A.
Testing the speed of executing arithmetic operations with integer and real numbers in a docker container and on the host operating system.

43. Bolgov, S.
Creating infrastructure for scalable fintech solutions: technical and organizational aspects.

44. Palvanov, O.B.
Hanafi scholars whose names are mentioned in Sa’aduddin al-Taftazani’s work “Sharh al-Aqaid al-Nasafiyah”.

45. Khasanov, T.A.
Prospects for the development of housing and communal sphere in Uzbekistan.

46. Rakhimova, D.N., & Khamidulin, M.B.
The importance of implementing the career model platform.




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