ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 01(141) 2025

Philadelphia, USA

Impact Factor 6.630


p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)

e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2025

Issue: 01

Volume: 141

Published: 30.01.2025

Pages: 326


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1. Sadikhova, B.E., Mirzayeva, J.N., Taghizada, G.A., & Rasulov N.Sh.
Production and study of biological monomers, polymers, and composite materials based on salicylic acid (review).

2. Mirzakhalilova, D., & Vasser, P.
Diagnostics of current asset circulation in industrial enterprises.

3. Karimov, I.M., Kulmuratov, N.R., & Khamroyeva, Z.Q.
Damping of vibrations in viscoelastic mechanical systems.

4. Markelov, G.E.
A mathematical model of an electrothermal system element.

5. Abitov, T.T.
On the determinants of female violent crime.

6. Aleynikova, O.A., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Karabanov, P.S., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Factors of pushing and retention of the population of the regions of Russia during migration movements.

7. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On effective solutions to ensure sustainable development of tourism in the AZRF.

8. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova, Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Korablina, S.Yu., & Galina, Yu.V.
On the possibilities of tourist potential of the regions of the AZRF.

9. Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Volkova, N.V., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Features of development of the criterion for assessing the efficiency of the formed innovative technological processes for the production of import-substitute assortment of footwear.

10. Korotkova, O.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
About new possibilities of a priori ranking for informed decision-making on the production of in-demand and competitive footwear.

11. Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Volkova, N.V., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On the possibilities of a dimensionless indicator for assessing the competitiveness of innovative technological processes for the efficient manufacturing of import-substitute products.

12. Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Volkova, N.V., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Features of segmentation by import substitution of the market with domestic products.

13. Rumyanskaya, N.S., Prokhorova. Yu.I., Blagorodov, A.A., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
Features of forming priority, demand and competitiveness of domestic footwear to guaranteed its import substitution.

14. Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Volkova, N.V., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On the importance of the concept of «Appealing shoes» for forming its competitiveness and demand.

15. Blagorodov, A.A., Prokhorov, V.T., Volkova, N.V., Korablina, S.Yu., & Volkova, G.Yu.
On the importance of technologically advanced shoe uppers and innovative technological solutions for their demand among buyers.

16. Sattarova, R.K., & Gulmurodova, Sh.D.
Cucumis Melo L. Untapped sources of fusarium wilt resistance.

17. Turaev, N.N.
The significance of as-Sunan in the science of narrators.

18. Kapanadze, M.
Russia's struggle against the civilized West on the example of the Russia-Ukraine war.

19. Guliyeva, G.T.
Justification of Technical Equipment in Grain Farming.

20. Shermukhamedov, A.T., & Hamraev, G.R.
Risks in the logistics of industry markets.

21. Tabatadze, M.
Georgia as a Hub of Global Trade Network: Prospects for Regional and Trans-Regional Relations Development.

22. Umurzakova, D.I.
Health management, planning and financing.

23. Abdimominov, M.A., & Umurzakova, D.I.
The structure of judicial speech.

24. Chemezov, D., et al.
The stressed and deformed state of a loaded tension spring.

25. Chemezov, D., et al.
Scientific electronic library as a platform for evaluating the research activities of lecturers and students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the Vladimir Region (Russian Federation).

26. Umurzakova, D.I.
Medical statistics. Information and communication technologies in healthcare.

27. Khalilov, A.J.
Neuro-fuzzy model-based mathematical modeling of an advanced control system for ammonia synthesis process.




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