Pages: 115-123
Published: 30.12.2016
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the reflection on paradigmal changes in the world cultural process, on their influence upon the Intellectual Property institution. This research analyzes social-philosophic aspects for development of the Intellectual Property Institution as a specific social institution that exists and functions in changing sociocultural conditions. There was particularly made an attempt to reconsider the meaning and character of those transformations in the field of intellectual property, also taking into account the Information Society context and realities of Postmodern cultural shift, including nonclassical & post-nonclassical approaches. The relevance and actuality of selected problematic is determined by the increasing significance of intellectual property institution that becomes an inalienable sociocultural attribute of post-industrial society. A social-philosophic view of abovementioned problem involves the studying of Traditionalism, Modernism, Modern, Postmodernism phenomena as they unfold in a social sphere, creating a special context for various social institutions' existence and functioning. As we may conclude, we should seek out the roots of so-called Postmodern-situation (that obviously leads to the coming of Postmodernity Age) within previous cultural-historical epochs. Therefore we suppose that Premodernity (i.e. Traditionalism, including the Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance) and Modernity (that involves the Modern history & the Contemporary history) are prolegomenon to Postmodernity. The last one is evaluated as the most probable sociocultural matrix in which the Intellectual Property institution will be going through changes, such as liberalization, diversification, growth of polymorphism & eclecticism etc.
Key words: Intellectual Property, Postmodernity, Modern, Traditionalism, Knowledge, Information, Society, Social institutions, Philosophy.