Golubeva, O. A., Ermurake, M. R., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu.
Features of modern socio-humanities research of mobility in the regions of the AZRF. |
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Scientific Object Identifier: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-02-130-9
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2024.02.130.9
Language: English
Citation: Golubeva, O. A., Ermurake, M. R., Blagorodov, A. A., Prokhorov, V. T., & Volkova, G. Yu. (2024). Features of modern socio-humanities research of mobility in the regions of the AZRF. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 02 (130), 67-84. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-02-130-9 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2024.02.130.9 |
Pages: 67-84
Published: 28.02.2024
Abstract: This article discusses the main developments obtained in the process of studying mobility practices in various nomadic communities of the Arctic. The analyzed provisions are based on the concepts of the anthropology of movement and were developed through a combination of methods of visual anthropology, design and various methods of recording movement, which made it possible to see the phenomenon of mobility in a new way and to comprehend its dynamic component. They will be presented not only as a result of the research performed, but also as theoretical tools inseparable from practical action. A scientific concept, therefore, is not just a crystallized concept of a research arsenal, but a tool directly applied in practice, receiving its testing, “cutting” and refinement in the context of field research and analysis of collected materials. It is the possibility of use in practical activities, which allows one to obtain qualitatively new results in the field of mobility research, that is the key distinguishing feature of the theoretical developments under consideration. It is the infrastructure, its internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) elements that realize the states of stability (order) and chaos (disorder) in the development of systems, as well as the interconnected and balanced formation of two models of organization of regional spatial formations - hierarchical and heterarchical. But at present, due to the difficult geopolitical situation, the practical implementation of these proposals is becoming impossible. But we are confident that the results of this work will definitely be needed by the Arctic community after some time, when a reasonable approach to this problem will again prevail over manifestations of geopolitical ambitions.
Key words: Arctic, nomads, nomadism, mobility, movement, modularity, autonomy, minimalism, materiality, design, action, institutional infrastructure, decomposition of spatial development, transformation of spatial development, chaos in spatial systems, hierarchical model, heterarchical model.