Full Article: PDF
Digital Object Identifier System: http://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2014.02.10.1
Language: Russian
Citation: Nurmatov YK, Beknazarov ZB, Kholmurodov MK (2014) MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND FORECASTING COEFFICIENT URETHRAL RESISTANCE IN THE NEW SURGICAL TREATMENT OF URETHRAL VALVES IN CHILDREN. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 02 (10): 1-8. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2014.02.10.1 |
Pages: 1-8
Published: 28.02.2014
Abstract: Mathematical modeling - a scientific approach that is associated with the construction and use of a mathematical model of the phenomenon under investigation, the subject or object, as well as systems, incorporating them to reduce the time, effort and money on a prediction of a possible future, improve the validity and accuracy of scientific predictions, regardless of their activity in. This paper presents the results of research and treatments in 71 children (from two months to 15 years of age) with urethral valves. In all, 28 patients were treated using the endoscopic method, and 43 patients treated by the proposed method, using a metallic urethrotome. Diagnosis of the urethral valves was done using ultrasonography, voiding cystourethrogram, urethrocystoscopy, uroflowmetry and cystomanomerty. Mathematical modeling was applied to assess the treatment methods. The proposed method , using the metallic urethrotome, was preferable to the endoscopic method.
Key words: mathematical modeling, urethral valves, coefficient urethral resistance, metallic urethrotome, endoscopic method.