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SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 09(77) 2019

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Shokirova, M.

Lexicon and vocabulary of sport words in linguistics.

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Language: English

Citation: Shokirova, M. (2019). Lexicon and vocabulary of sport words in linguistics. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (77), 385-389. Soi: Doi: Scopus ASСC: 1203. Introduction In our article we will discuss the lexical and semantic field of sports lexemes. First of all, we want to talk about "lexicon". Lexicon is all forms known in an active or passive way by a given speaker (1, p.23). And the "vocabulary" is only the forms actively known by the enunciator (1, p.23-24). Vocabularies are also called "jargons" in language (3, 304). They are used in a given field by a particular social group. The lexeme becomes a sociolinguistic marker. There are thousands of lexical units in the language, especially in French. But nobody knows the totality of the French language. In this case, there are two different types of vocabulary: current and fundamental vocabulary. More than seven thousand forms of given speaker are indicated. We do not all have the same lexical battery but everyone shares a general vocabulary. It is clear us that semantic analysis is equal to figure out the meaning of linguistic input and process language to produce common-sense knowledge about the world (Anssi Klapuri, “Semantic analysis” Fall 2007, Page 2). We study sport lexemes by semantic and lexical field. By these opinions show that our learning field construct meaning representations of sport words. For cite the opinion we give an example: “Ronaldo scored a very beautiful goal!”(Sport news) There are two meaning representations: 1) language generation, 2) understanding it. The language generation mentioned all the sentence has been told by speaker. The understanding involved semantic analysis. In this case we see analysis of lexemes by meaning field. Table 1 Noun phrase Verb Determination Noun Adjective Adverb Ronaldo scored a goal beautiful Very a beautiful goal Do semantic and lexical analysis of words in language, which will help to define the field of the lexeme in the sentence or the context. To quote this theory it is useful to speak of the type positions and oppositions. It should be mentioned that there are two types of opposition in lexicons: 1) active vocabulary and 2) passive vocabulary. The passive vocabulary corresponds to the terms of which the speaker knows the definition but which he hardly uses, as for example the lexeme for a non-linguist. The active vocabulary corresponds to the units known and used by the speaker: fundamental vocabulary and specialized vocabulary. Some specialized terms can fit into the current vocabulary in sport (the field, the ball), so some common terms can specialize in some technical vocabularies (electronic board). (9, 3-6). Of course, lexicology studies the branch of theoretical linguistics concerning lexemes and the lexicon. And lexicography applied to the making of dictionaries. Today, we also speak about dictionary. Sequential analysis of sports lexemes. In semantics the lexical unit is considered a sememe (3, 346), that is to say a set of semantic features called semes (3, 345). The form below indicates: Sememe = seme1 + seme2 + semen “Mask” - an object that hides the body during sports games. - non animated object (classeme) - which hides the legs (specific seme) - and who hides the body (semanteme) - during sports games (virtuous) Only distinguishing features will be the subject of a semic analysis in relation to a semantic field of units. Non-distinctive traits refer to the reference in the world and no longer to a field of linguistic units. Classemes are the distinctive and obligatory semes that consist of a particle of fundamental meaning: / Picture 1 A sememe always belongs to a lexical field(10, 7-8). That is, it is semantically related to other lexical units. For example, the lexeme sport will be part of the same lexical field as football, ball, rugby etc. We generally represent the semic analysis of the sememes of the same lexical field in matrix form, according to the model proposed by Bernard Pottier [11.]: Table 2 SEME For having fun S1 For one person S2 with backrest  S3 with arms  S4 S  E M E M E A game + + + - A match + + + + A competiton + + - - The championat + - + O Hyperonymy and hyponymy in language concerning sports lexemes. We know that these two terms help to find the semantic field and lexicon of the lexemes. In particular, the field of sense is more important on the componential analysis of words. The remarks defining these terms are: • The hyperonym is a term whose meaning includes the meaning of other terms: its hyponyms. • The co-hyponyms are in an inclusion relation to a whole: the hyperonym.      ex. Football is a hyponym of sport (its meaning refers to a type of ...) It must be said that hyperonyms are also called archisememes or archilexemes (3, 11). About pantonymy in language. The phenomenon of designating a notion up to a maximal hyperonym is called pantonymy. In this, lexical sports units such as "the ball", "the stadium", "the goal", "the teams" and "the match" that can refer to people, objects, or more abstract notions are considered pantonyms. Examples: 1) Pass me the ball, fast! 2) The stadium is a place for sports games. 3) Do not talk to me about these teams, said Jerome, who is angry at the bad game(10, 3-4). Synonymy of lexemes on the theme. These are co-hyponyms that can be switched in the same context on the syntagmatical axis and have a large number of semes in common. This is the case for “judge” and “referee”: Table 3 SEME Human field of sportsman  In sport field in a place of legal movement S  E M E M E The juge + + - + The referee + + + - However, it is very rare to find a total synonymy of two terms within a language. If this happens, we are generally dealing with record differences with sociolinguistic implications. This is the case for "the judge" and "the referee" who have the same semes. However, the second will be felt as belonging to a familiar register (1, 12-14). Polysemy that agrees to sports terms. We know that polysemy corresponds to the property that some lexical units have several meanings: Table 4 Lexeme "The rope" Sememe Semantic field The thread The object for sewing. We invent the sense: the cotton, the synthetics, the skin. The rope The object to hold the body during sporting actions like mountaineering, polo; basketball wire, goalkeeper. The string The object to sew the bag, the sleeping bag or the name of a word even using: the string We propose a semic analysis of the sememe "a ball" in the form of a tree structure in the transformational generative tradition: / Picture 2 It is the speech setting that will disambiguate and render the lexical units monosemic. From polysemic to language, the lexeme becomes monosemic in word. It is very rare that a lexical unit is completely monosemic in language, except for some lexemes that are part of a very specialized vocabulary: For example: a hadron = chemical particle capable of strong interaction. In other cases, even if the ambiguity remains possible at the time of the utterance: What are all these balls? (says before a beating while preparing for war). Most of the time, the polysemic lexeme goes into speech and is monosemized: Oh, I saw a ball! (Monosemy). Oh, I heard a strong voice from the balls! (object for the big rifle). I studied about balloons of Montgolfiers. (object, tool, thing) I study sports balls versus type. (rather types or kinds of sport such as rugby, football or basketball). I took a balloon for my son (the object or the toy to play for the kids). The network that is established between certain lexical units at the time of the contextualization will be called isotopy. It is therefore the isotopic phenomenon that makes the lexeme monosemize in speech. In this case we must insist on the "logical links". There are logico-semantic relations between the sememes. There are four main types: • analogical relationship (similarity / identification); • topological (spatial) relationship; • chronological relationship (causative / consecutive); • Implicative relationship (extensive / restrictive). These relationships are marked by terminology coming from rhetoric. We know that the analogical relationship is called metaphor. The three others are grouped under the name of metonymy: the process of taking a word for another to which it is bound by a logical relation of contiguity (5, 123. Ch. IV). The antonomase is both metaphor (analogy) and synecdoche (the prototype of a set). It is a process of using a proper name as a common noun to designate a particular individual as belonging to a typical character group. The footballer = a player in football. Mohammad Salah = a football genius today. Campnovo = a famous stadium by El-Klassiko. To conclude, there are many different ways to research the lexicons and lexemes in terms of semantic and lexical field. Both analyses words by meaning and sides on using in sentences. Learning the meaning field of words can help definite aspects of languages and their values. References: Azizov, O. (1982). Theory of linguistics. Tashkent. Iskandarova, S. (2007). The meaning field of language. Tashkent. (2007). Le Petit Larousse. CEDEX 2007 PARIS, France. (2009). 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Pages: 385-389

Published: 30.09.2019

Abstract: In this article of the choice of words makes the language of sport lexicons and words (lexemes and sememes) a specialized field of our study. This article presents an analytical study of language features of French and English sport words. After brief introduction to semantic field of sport words and sport language, the work is focused on the linguistic views and studies in French or English sport lexemes by semantic perspectives. In the analysis we researched that connotative meaning of sport lexemes are used by sportsmen to achieve their persuasive ends. The conclusion part concluded brief opinions. I hope that this article can illustrate on the semantic field of sport lexemes and also provide help to copywriters and linguistic researchers (also to language learners).

Key words: sport lexemes, connotative meaning, semantic field, linguistic study, sport lexicons and vocabulary.








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