Pages: 101-110
Published: 30.08.2018
Abstract: The article describes the behavioral model of explaining (digital "justification") the phenomenon of individual decision-making by the individual with his peculiarity of perception, judgment, behavior in the situation of "the bitter life" of the 1990s in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Russian Federation. The calculations on "mental bookkeeping" from perspective theory (Kahneman D., Tversky A., Thaler R., Sunstein C.R.) with application of the value function [2] are presented. 1) the situation of pushing a person toward individually optimal solutions is digitized and 2) the situation of pushing an individual towards antisocial decisions. An example of decision-making in the situation "to buy a dissertation ... and receive incentive payments is given.
Key words: value function in the theory of prospects, nudging toward antisocial decisions, sunk cost fallacy