ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 04(132) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Prokhorova, Yu. I., Blagorodov, A. A., Rumyanskaya, N. S., Volkova, N. V., & Volkova, G. Yu.

On the peculiarities of the national goals of the strategic doctrine in the regions of the Russian Arctic.

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Language: English

Citation: Prokhorova, Yu. I., Blagorodov, A. A., Rumyanskaya, N. S., Volkova, N. V., & Volkova, G. Yu. (2024). On the peculiarities of the national goals of the strategic doctrine in the regions of the Russian Arctic. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (132), 65-74. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 65-74

Published: 30.04.2024

Abstract: in the article, the authors consider the features of the national goals of the strategic development of the Russian Arctic, namely: national maritime policy in the regions of the Russian Arctic as the determination by the state and society of goals, principles, directions, tasks and ways to ensure the national interests of the regions of the Russian Arctic, as well as practical activities for their implementation; maritime activities of the regions of the Russian Arctic - activities for the study, development, use, protection and conservation of resources and spaces of the regions of the Russian Arctic in the interests of sustainable socio-economic development, ensuring their national security; national interests of the Russian Arctic regions as objectively significant needs of the state and society in the field of maritime activities related to ensuring the national security of the Russian Arctic regions, creating favorable conditions for their sustainable development; risks of threats to the national security of the regions of the Russian Arctic in the field of maritime activities as a set of actions and factors that pose a danger to maritime activities; challenges to the national security of the regions of the Russian Arctic - a set of actions and factors leading to the deterioration of interstate relations and capable of leading to threats to the national interests of the regions of the Russian Arctic; threats to the national security of indigenous minorities in the regions of the Russian Arctic - a set of conditions and factors leading to the aggravation of interstate relations and that can lead to the emergence of a real possibility of causing damage to the national interests of the regions of the Russian Arctic; the maritime potential of the regions of the Russian Arctic is the totality of maritime transport, the Navy, fishing, research and specialized fleets, deep-sea forces and means of the Russian Ministry of Defense, forces and means of the federal security service, forces and means of the Russian Guard, forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and also Russian shipbuilding and shipbuilding organizations, infrastructure that ensures their operation and development, facilities and means for exploration, production and transportation of marine hydrocarbon and mineral resources, and other minerals.

Key words: regions of the Russian Arctic, national danger, security threat, damage to indigenous peoples, preservation of the conditions of the provinces of indigenous peoples, health care, socio-economic development, preservation of maritime potential, environmental safety.








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