Pages: 78-84
Published: 30.01.2021
Abstract: The article focuses on cases relating to the solution of realistic problems by examining the significance and substance of the pragmatic aspects. In the occurrence of speech derivations, effectiveness and nonverbal means in the expression of communicative intention of communicators, study of deictic signs in speech situation, meaning of speech expression, speech strategies, reference, prelocutive effect in addressed speech, illocutive purpose, suspended result (increase in message informativity). The communication mechanism covers the interaction between external and internal modes of meaning in the transmission of information at the level of communicative purposes, in the receipt of information, in the dissemination of signals through pragmatic influences, in the transmission of information. Pragmatic competence is the ability to use language opportunities in accordance with the conditions of expression, speech types, speech intent, sort (explicit or implicit), forms (message, query, order, please, guidance, pledge, greeting, request, say goodbye, apologies, congratulations, grievances, etc.), speech techniques, tactics, etc. that may be directly linked to speech. It is noted that the achievement of the ability to use the vast potential of the mother tongue in a simple speech situation, in a reasonable, productive manner, is the basis of a pragmatic potential.
Key words: pragmalinguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics pragmatics, speech tactics, reference, pragmatic competence, speech act, reference, presupposition.