ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 08(100) 2021

Philadelphia, USA

Impact Factor 6.630


p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)

e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2021

Issue: 08

Volume: 100

Published: 30.08.2021

Pages: 442


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1. Salomov, A. A.
Modern teaching methods in primary school mathematics lessons.

2. Djurayeva, S. G.
3D technologies in the process of designing a costume with traditional Uzbek decorative elements.

3. Oblomuradova, K. N.
Missionary activity in the context of globalization: ways and means to prevent it.

4. Polvonov, N. O., & Atakulov, L. N.
Method of conveyor belts jointing when using special volcanization compounds.

5. Niyazov, M.
Procedural regulation of assessment of the admissibility in national legislation.

6. Bayjanov, S. X., & Utegenova, S. T.
Analysis of factors affecting the quality of audit services in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

7. Sitmuratov, Sh.
Priority Directions of Industrial Development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

8. Imomov, U. G.
Features of islamic insurance Takaful.

9. Rasulov, J.
Children and forced labour: the legal nature of international labour standards.

10. Pardaev, M. Q., & Isroilov, B. I.
COVID-19: economic crisis, consequences and prospects.

11. Tadjimetov, S. A.
Function, purpose and methods of educational activity in upbringing structures of educational institutions of ministry of internal affairs (MIA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

12. Ostonakulov, T. E., Tursunov, G. S., Amanturdiev, I. K., & Shamsiev, A. A.
Management of growth, productivity of photosynthesis and yield of sweet potato by correct selection of varieties and seedling time.

13. Mukhammadiyarova, A.
On the concrete content of modern global problems in the system of environmental security.

14. Adashulloeva, G. M.
The structure of Tajik phraseology.

15. Rustamov, R. R., & Turaeva, S. H.
Medieval Western and Eastern Propaganda: A Comparative Analysis.

16. Qodirov, B. S.
The importance of action strategy in innovative development.

17. Chemezov, D.
Features of the deformed state of thin-walled parts obtained by deep drawing.

18. Rashidova, G. G.
Interpretation and interdependence of the concepts of «competent» and «competence».

19. Makhmudova, M. J.
Prospects for viticulture in the new Uzbekistan.

20. Halema, Z. Y. H.
Finite Dimensional Approximation And Wiener Measure.

21. Ummatov, A. M., & Abdukadirova, Z. S.
Population structure and methods of limiting the number of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berk., Rattus turk).

22. Isroilova, M. A.
The role of theatrical art in enhancing the aesthetic taste of young people.

23. Abdunazarova, N.
Key factors for the formation of innovative culture in education of youth in renewing Uzbekistan.

24. Zhanatauov, S. U.
Digital model of the formula of life.

25. Halema, Z. Y. H.
Integration by parts formulas and formulation of Feynman path integral.

26. Atazhanov, K. A., & Orazalieva, G. T.
Radio broadcasting of Karakalpakstan: yesterday and today.

27. Binakulov, A. B.
Criminal-legal aspects of human organs and tissues (cells) transplantation.

28. Pestrikov, P. P.
Saving data during an emergency power off of the microcontroller.

29. Pestrikov, P. P.
Universal active unit for electrical training stands.

30. Pestrikov, P. P., Visotsky, A. S., & Corchagin, R. E.
Microscopic method for determining the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.

31. Pestrikova, T. V., & Birukova, E. D.
ReTi - real-time operating system for microcontrollers.

32. Olimov, L. O., & Yusupov, A. K.
Temperature dependence of transistor characteristics of electric signal amplification in optoelectronic devices.

33. Khujanazarov, Y. S.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Uzbekistan: online platforms, freelancers and the state of employment and rights.

34. Khushvakova, N. Z., & Nishanbaeva, F. M.
Development of conservative treatment in chronic tonzillitis.

35. Suyunova, N. B.
Behavioralingvistic features of adolescent speech and its manifestation in “online communication”.

36. Khakimov, M. K., & Yunusova, H. R.
Visual poetic texts as multisemiotic system.

37. Abdurahmonov, S., & Kozokova, N. A.
Expression of pragmatic meaning in lexical units.

38. Ulug‘ov, A.
Hamza's dramas.

39. Sharafutdinova, K. G.
The role of temperament in the formation of individual and destructive individual relationship style.

40. Hamdamov, O. N.
Prospects for increasing the importance of financial management in ensuring the financial stability of stock companies.

41. Narbasheva, M. A.
Folk games serves as a psychosocial device.

42. Khodjabekov, M.
Transfer function of system protected from vibration and its minimum.

43. Burkhonov, S. B.
“Yoshlar Kelajagimiz” state fund activities.

44. Gazvini, K. A., & Atayev, M. Sh.
Mathematical development of decomposition process of phosphorus containing raw materials.

45. O’ljaboev, U., & Yuldosh, K.
Strong position when combined with artistic skills.

46. Sarimsakov, D. K.
The need to develop an innovative development strategy of the enterprise and its components.

47. Saypullaev, I. A.
The importance of a new professional education system in small business development in Uzbekistan.

48. Zhanatauov, S. U.
The COVID-19 pandemic does not have a diffusion index.

49. Stovpets, O., Kukshynova, O., & Stovpets, V.
Contemporary constitutional principles and mechanisms of realization of human rights and freedoms in the information realm in Ukraine.

50. Shamsieva, M. B.
An empirical study of the speech development of children in conditions of bilingualism.

51. Begmatov, D., Khaydarov, U., Saidkhodjaeva, S., & Odilov, F.
Improving the technology of welding chromium – nickel steels.

52. Popov, A. I., Zinina, S. A., Bragin, D. M., & Eremin, A. V.
Local non-equilibrium model of heat conductivity in a rod.

53. Habibullayeva, I.
The issue of nationality and national color (based on the stories of Said Ahmad and Utkir Hoshimov).

54. Habibullayeva, S.
Lexical-semantic features of Isajon Sultan's stories.

55. Marupova, A. A.
Linguopoetic means and ways of introducing the image of the main character in M. Mitchell's novel “Gone with the wind”.

56. Namozova, N. Y.
German and English in the academic field of the German-speaking region.

57. Masariddinova, R. K.
On the influence of the main variants of the English language on the German language.

58. Azimkulova, G. A.
Monolingualism in the field of German higher education and science: «for» and «against».

59. Azizova, Z. A.
Text accompaniment of greeting cards (based on material in German).

60. Azimova, N. S.
German as a language of science: problems and perspectives.

61. Sodikova, N. G.
Preservation of the role of the German language as a means of scientific communication within the framework of the concept of multilingualism.

62. Azizkulova, S. U.
Frame analysis of the speech act “congratulation” (based on the material of the German language).

63. Pirimkulova, S. S.
Features of actualization in the German-language congratulatory discourse of the conceptual meaning “reason for congratulations”.

64. Rakhmonov, S. M.
Socio-political foundations of the state of Amir Temur and Sufism.

65. Azizova, G. G.
The importance of pedagogical interpretation in learning a foreign language.

66. Suleymanova, V. T.
Distinctive signs of variants of the English language that is not native to its users.

67. Sayimbetov, S. U.
Genre and artistic features of the poem «Exciting thoughts» M. Seytniyazov.

68. Abdramanov, A. T.
Features of constitutional and legal regulation amendments to the constitution.

69. Abdramanov, A. T.
The role and place of the institute of protection in improving the constitutional foundations.

70. Rozumbetov, K. U., & Esimbetov, A. T.
Assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in males and females.

71. Utegenova, J. D.
Theoretical and methodological problems of virtual reality research.

72. Gofurov, D.
Ways to involve entrepreneurs in the public procurement.

73. Goibova, N. Z.
Relevance of teaching physics in the energy sphere higher education.

74. Mullaboeva, N. S.
Depression in adolescents.

75. Meyliev, O. R.
Directions of increasing tax revenues of local budgets.

76. Mamadjanov, A. A.
Assessment of tourism using integrated indicators in the national statistical practice of Uzbekistan.

77. Arzikulov, O. A.
Artificial intelligence to increase the efficiency of small businesses.

78. Abdukarimova, E. I.
The content of activities aimed at methodological improvement of the process of mastering classical works in the educational process.

79. Hasanova, N. K.
Possibilities of music education and upbringing in the formation of personal maturity.

80. Alikulov, M. S.
Priorities for improving investment activities of insurance organizations.

81. Ruzimurodov, N. F., Aripova, T. U., Azizova, Z. S., & Nazirkulov, O. M.
Assessment of the cytokine profile in patients with COVID-19 in a certain region of the Republic of Uzbekistan.




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