Shvetsov, K. A., Golubeva, O. A., & Volkova, G. Y.
About the features of the formation of the priority of manufactured products among consumers of the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. |
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Language: English
Citation: Shvetsov, K. A., Golubeva, O. A., & Volkova, G. Y. (2022). About the features of the formation of the priority of manufactured products among consumers of the regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (112), 101-121. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 101-121
Published: 30.08.2022
Abstract: The article pays special attention to assessing the role of one or another position of the assortment for the results of the work of enterprises in the production of the entire assortment of footwear for consumers in the following groups, namely: the main group of goods (which bring the main profit and are in the growth stage); supporting group of goods (products that stabilize sales revenue and are in the stage of maturity); strategic group of goods (goods designed to provide future profits to the enterprise); tactical group of goods (products designed to stimulate sales of the main product group and are in the stage of growth and maturity); product group under development (products that are not present on the market, but ready to enter the market); goods leaving the market (which do not make a profit and must be removed from production, withdrawn from the market). When implementing it, it is necessary to take into account the share of each group in the total volume of products sold. For a stable financial position of the enterprise in the assortment structure, the strategic and tactical groups of goods must be at least 70% with 100% of their implementation. Thus, this makes it possible to evaluate the existing assortment set at the enterprise and, correlating it with the profit received, evaluate the correctness of the assortment planning, its balance for the consumer market. The implementation of the proposed measures will lead to the elimination of the shortage of domestic footwear, including children's footwear, making it not only and not so much competitive and in demand, but, most importantly, safe and comfortable for the child's foot.
Key words: quality, import substitution, demand, competitiveness, market, profit, demand, buyer, manufacturer, financial stability, sustainable TEP, priority, assortment policy, paradigm, economic policy, success.