ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 11(91) 2020

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Yusupov, I. I., Qobulova, N. J., Xojiev, A. A., & Vaxobov, A.

To reduce global climate island focused local cooperation.

Full Article: PDF

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Language: English

Citation: Yusupov, I. I., Qobulova, N. J., Xojiev, A. A., & Vaxobov, A. (2020). To reduce global climate island focused local cooperation. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11 (91), 501-507. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 501-507

Published: 30.11.2020

Abstract: The article discusses the problem of global warming. The phenomenon of "greenhouse effect" was analyzed, and one of the main components of this phenomenon was methane gas and its causes. Experiments to eliminate methane gas by collecting manure from cattle, sheep, goats, and chickens in warehouses and processing it with earthworms have been conducted, the results of which are described in this article. The application of the proposed technology will reduce global warming due to the elimination of methane, increase the yield of cotton, wheat and other agricultural products by 15-20%.

Key words: global climate, “greenhouse effect”, atmosphere, soil, carbon dioxide, methane, manure, waste, California red worm, vermotechnology, natural fertility.








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