Pages: 173-179
Published: 28.02.2017
Abstract: The relevance of research for historically occurred social and cultural roots of intellectual property as a special phenomenon, as well as intellectual property legal protection mechanism's development, was determined by the necessity of tracing those key events, which are associated with the transformation process of various intellectual-legal relations into single holistic social institution. To answer the question – why in fact human civilization has come to awareness of the need for legal protection of intellectual property, i.e. what cultural, ideological and socio-economic conditions have led mankind to regulate these specific relations? – would mean our approaching to the answer, why now there are so much contradictions in the realm of intellectual property, as well as in the areas of protection and enforcement of the rights and interests associated with intellectual-legal relations. An analysis for the socio-cultural genesis of intellectual property (i.e. an array of various historical reasons of the origin and evolution of the intellectual property phenomenon) will give us a better understanding of the nature of intellectual property (as a social institution) and its basic social functions.
Key words: intellectual property, society, social institution.