Pages: 205-208
Published: 28.02.2017
Abstract: This work presented the problem of calculation of the main scientometrical indexes on the base of data from different quotation systems under the conditions of noncomplete determination caused by limited access to the quotation systems. It was offered the approach including following components: data collection and processing; the construction of aggregative publications list; the calculation of total number of quotations for each publication; the calculation of citation index and Hirsch index. The offered approach allowed make the calculation of citation and Hirsch index on the base of data from RSCI and SCOPUS quotation systems under the conditions of noncoplete determination. There were carried out the investigational studies of developed approach that allowed make the conclusion about the possibility of their usage for calculation of the citation and Hirsch indexes under the conditions of noncomplete determination.
Key words: scientometrical indexes, citation index, Hirsch index, conditions of noncomplete determination, the construction of aggregative publications list, the calculation of total number of quotations.