ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 05(133) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

Impact Factor 6.630


p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print)

e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2024

Issue: 05

Volume: 133

Published: 30.05.2024

Pages: 224


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1. Mirzabekova, F. N., Mirzabekov, I. A., Madaminova, G. A., & Khasanova, D. T.
Specific characteristics of women's body.

2. Zuparov, M. A.
Plant diseases under biological control.

3. Ablazova, M. M.
A review of the biology and biological control of the entomopathogenic fungi-based biological control of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae).

4. Yakhyaeva, Z. M.
Lexical originality of the polysemy of the term “Interpretation”.

5. Shalina, O. V., & Andrianova, E. E.
The study of combining SQL and NoSQL databases in a heterogeneous system for the development of a project management database.

6. Dvoryashina, V. S.
Humor as a stylistic dominant in John Steinbeck's “Russian journal”.

7. Ernishev, K. A., Suymenbaeva, A. M., & Aueshan, A.
Some issues of constitutional law on regulation of social rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. Nuriddinov, S.
Research of the process of machining of large modular gear wheels on CNC machines.

9. Borganova, L. I., & Sabinin, O. Yu.
Research on migration of software components between relational databases (using the example of migration from oracle to postgresql).

10. Chikovani, M., Megrelishvili, N., Julakidze, N., & Furtskhvanidze, M.
Examination of the Chemical Composition of Water from the Well of Rufoti Cillage, Terjola Municipality.

11. Shadimetov, Yu. Sh., & Ayrapetov, D. A.
Transport labor resources in the socio-ecological dimension.

12. Hamzah, F., & Hamzah, N.
Mineralization and concentration of sodium chloride dihydrate in the process of separation of glucose using methanol solvent from molasses.

13. Turgaev, J. A., Niyazova, Z. M., & Mambetaliev, A. S.
Effect of hydrophobic admixture on cement stone structure.

14. Safarova, Kh. I.
Modern aspects of the epidemiology of acute rheumatic fever.

15. Sabinin, O., & Zhemchugova, E.
Automation of database design and development: from domain description to logical model.

16. Popov, A. I., Zinina, S. A., Bragin, D. M., & Eremin, A. V.
Study of the permeability of a porous material with a structure based on Schwartz P triply periodic minimal surfaces.

17. Abdybavea, G. M., Ussenova, S. M., & Tukhtasinova, А.
Experimental study of the influence of a teacher’s emotional-sensitive state on the mental health of students.

18. Danekeeva, A. B., Ussenova, S. M., & Akhundzhanova, U.
The influence of emotional displays of adolescents on their performance.

19. Sidamonidze, M.
Practical results of a qualitative study of the writing skills of stduents with learning disabilities on the example of public schools in the Telavi municipality.

20. Tatvidze, M. L.
Investigation of the content of phenolic acids of ripe blueberry fruits.

21. Shalamberidze, M. M.
Optimization of polymer compositions for the bottom of shoes.

22. Shalamberidze, M. M., & Tatvidze, M. L.
Correction of lower limb deformities of children with cerebral palsy through the development of multifunctional orthopedic devices.

23. Chemezov, D., et al.
Safety factor of material of bolted joint parts during shear deformation.

24. Chemezov, D., et al.
Safety margin of brittle materials during compression deformation.

25. Omarkulova, L.K., Ussenova, S.M., & Musaeva, A.
Modern gaming and information technologies.

26. Madenova, A. A., & Ussenova, S. M.
Research of adolescents' learning motivation.

27. Dzhaksybaeva, S. D.
Animal osteodystrophy.

28. Beknazarova, N. O., & Ussenova, S. M.
Empirical study of aggressive state in adolescence.

29. Anvarov, E., & Gaybullaev, S.
The great Muhaddis Muhammad Obid Sindi.

30. Zhanatauov, S. U.
Technology HBIK – «Launching the future».

31. Shoibekova, Zh., & Ussenova, S. M.
Methods for forming personal development during the training process.

32. Shaikhulov, E. A.
AI as an ally or a threat: challenges and prospects for QA engineers.

33. Karnakova, G. Zh.
Types of solar panels and their use.

34. Suvanov, Kh. N.
Harmony of literature and national color in youth prose.

35. Gafurova, K. R.
Enhancing language learning through technology: integrative audiovisual and computer-assisted pedagogies in foreign language education.

36. Hendriani, S., & Rahim, R.
The dilemma of competence and meritocracy in failure of planning performance achievements of regional development (Case Study of Bappedalitbang of Riau Province).

37. Bolatbek, Zh., & Ussenova, S.M.
Psychological and pedagogical foundations of gifted development.

38. Minasipova, A.R., Ussenova, S.M., & Seydazim, A.A.
Theoretical aspects of studying learning motivation.

39. Zhamanbayeva, A.S., Ussenova, S.M., & Rakhmanov, F.B.
The role of game technologies in teaching the russian language.

40. Krakhmaleva, Yu.R., Nurimbetov, A.U., & Nurmaganbetov, E.
Application of the Laplace transform to solve the Voltaire equation of the 2nd form.

41. Kozhevnikov, V. A., & Tolpygin, S. S.
Mechanisms for synchronizing and ensuring the correctness of user data on educational portals.

42. Umarova, S.S.
Genre approach to forming discourse competence in bachelor students when studying a foreign language.

43. Krakhmaleva, Yu.R., Nurimbetov, A.U., & Mirzayan, B.
Ritz method for solving problems of calculus of variations in Maple.




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