Pages: 301-314
Published: 30.09.2018
Abstract: The article describes the calculation steps for model values of the matrix elements of centered and normalized values of z-variables Zmn=[Z1?Z2]. The partition [Z1?Z2] corresponds to a regression model of the form zn=?1z1+?2z2+…+?n- zn=?1z1+?2z2+…+?n-1, where z1,z2, ...,zn-1 is a set of explanatory (independent) variable ("regressors"), zn- response variable (dependent variable), ?1,...,?n-1 -regression coefficients. There is an adequacy of the real multi-dimensional sample X0mn as a model, histogram, and the mean arithmetic mean xmej, standard deviations sj=sqrt(s2j), j =1, ...,n. The tables, the graphs of the parameters, the variables of the IM MLRA are given for m=20, n =3: Z(t,?,)mn=[Z(t,?,)1?Z(t,?)2],(1\m)Z(t)Т1Z(t)1=R(?)11,(1\m)Z(t)Т1Z(?,t)2=R(?)12,R(?)12=R(?)11?, ?=(?1,?2)T.
Key words: inverse model, multidimensional, linear, regression analysis.