ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 10(138) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Chemezov, D., et al.

The effect of cutting modes on the wear of a carbide insert when turning of low carbon steel.

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Language: English

Citation: Chemezov, D., et al. (2024). The effect of cutting modes on the wear of a carbide insert when turning of low carbon steel. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 10 (138), 172-178. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 172-178

Published: 30.10.2024

Abstract: The results of an experiment to determine the wear value of a carbide insert without a protective coating when turning of low carbon steel in various cutting modes without coolant are presented in the article. The wear was determined by the face and flank of the carbide insert, which gave a complete picture of the wear process of the cutting tool during semi-finish turning. It is noted that at low cutting speeds, the carbide insert undergoes minimal wear due to the formation of a built-up on the cutting edges in the range from 3 to 60 minutes of turning. At higher cutting speeds, catastrophic wear of the carbide insert occurs at 25 minutes of turning.

Key words: wear, carbide insert, turning, workpiece, cutting modes, flank, face.








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