ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 04(132) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Mkheidze, B., et al.

About the chemistry of genesis and hydrodynamics of mineral waters of the southern slope of the caucasus.

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Language: English

Citation: Mkheidze, B., et al. (2024). About the chemistry of genesis and hydrodynamics of mineral waters of the southern slope of the caucasus. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (132), 150-153. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 150-153

Published: 30.04.2024

Abstract: The present paper shows, on the one hand, a close relationship between the genesis of the chemical composition of the carbonated mineral waters of the southern slopes of the Caucasus and hydrodynamic processes, and, on the other hand, between the lithology and tectonics of the rocks of the region. In particular, alkaline or the so-called sodic waters are formed in Lower and Middle Jurassic shale strata, alkaline-saline ones - in Bajocian volcanic-sedimentary formations, and saline-alkaline and partially alkaline-saline ones - in Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous carbonate flysch. Due to the lithological features of the region, the circulation of mineral waters takes place mainly in fractured, fractured-veined and fractured-porous aquifers.The dischargeof these waters almost entirely depends on the flow of carbon dioxide and the so-called "gas-lift" effect.

Key words: Caucasus, carbonated waters, genesis, hydrodynamics.








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