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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 04(132) 2024

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Zhanatauov, S. U.

Numerical information supporting the extracted knowledge about hidden traces of accidental disaster, accident, earthquake, large flood.

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Language: Russian

Citation: Zhanatauov, S. U. (2024). Numerical information supporting the extracted knowledge about hidden traces of accidental disaster, accident, earthquake, large flood. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (132), 185-204. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 185-204

Published: 30.04.2024

Abstract: A cognitive model has been developed for a system of 5 semantic equations with 10=5+5 semantic variables: meaning(y1),...,meaning(y5), meaning(z1),...,meaning(z5), multiplied by parameter values ??equal to the components 5 pseudo-eigenvectors satisfying the matrix semantic equality of the form meaning(Zm5)=meaning(Ym5CT55), where meaning(Zm5)=meaning(z1)(...(meaning(z5), meaning(Ym5CT55)=meaning(Ym5cT1)(meaning(Ym5cT2)(meaning (Ym5cT3)(meaning(Ym5cT4)(meaning(Ym5cT5). The problem without restrictions was solved: (I55,I55)=>(?55,C55) and its solution was obtained: ?55=diag(1.0594, 1.0560, 0.9933, 1.0198, 0.8714), matrix C55 (Table 1). A new meaning has been found, based on numerical information, extracted hidden knowledge about the hidden traces of an accidental catastrophe, accident, earthquake, large floods. The meaning phrase is constructed by solving a semantic equation with the semantic unknown variable meaning(y5). Type of equation: meaning(y5)=meaning(z3)*0.1191(meaning(z4)*0.3556(meaning(z5)*0.9116. The understanding of the right side of the equation is formulated in the form of the phrase: “weak (with a force c215=(0.0001)2) temperature fluctuations occur (meaning (y1)), but without fluctuations (with a force c225 = (0.0048)2) precipitation level (meaning(z2))". This phrase reasonably alludes to the constant high temperature from a strong fire. At the same time, with the force c245 = (0.3556)2, the degree of growth in the intensity of strong winds increases (meaning (z4)) and a strong (with the force c255 = (0.9116)2) deviation from 0 to the right (increase) of the relative level (a rise in the water level (“sea”) supplied from fire water cannons), formed when extinguishing fires with water. The share of this phenomenon (with the meaning (y5)=“...") accounts for (5/((1+…+(5)=0.8714/((1.0594+1.0560+ 0.9933+1.0198 +0.8714)=17.43 % of information taken into account by the model. The model cannot use 100% of the information; it takes into account the information that is contained in it plus the information it extracts. Model formulas of correlated z-variables influencing uncorrelated model y-factors y1,…,y5 turned out to be effective: the model revealed the presence of the y-variable y5 (absent in the initial model data) with weak syllables: (yi5*0.1191, y5*0.1191, y5*0.1191). in the z-variable zi3, (y5*0.0048, y5*0.0048, y5*0.0048) in the z-variable zi2. The model revealed the absence of the y-variable y5 (see y5*0.0001) in the z-variable zi1. But the model also revealed a slightly noticeable presence of the y-variable y5 (y5*0.0001) in the z-variables zi4,( y5*0.3556, y5*0.3556, y5*0.3556), zi5 (y5*0.9116). These little noticeable model values ??also provide numerical information that substantiates the extracted knowledge about the hidden traces of a random catastrophe, accident, earthquake, or large flood. The model requires: henceforth, strictly consider the sub-factors of meanings meaning (z4)=“increasing the degree of damage to ecological systems and biological diversity in them (which will entail a reduction in opportunities for services, livelihoods and a reduction in income), meaning (z5) = “deviation from 0 to the right (increase) of the relative level (sea level rise) caused by the expected increase in temperature".

Key words: cognitive model, extracted knowledge about the hidden traces of a random catastrophe, accident, earthquake, large floods.








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