Mukhamedov, G. I., Khodjamkulov, U. N., Shofkorov, A. M., & Makhmudov, K. S.
Pedagogical education cluster: content and form. |
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Language: English
Citation: Mukhamedov, G. I., Khodjamkulov, U. N., Shofkorov, A. M., & Makhmudov, K. S. (2020). Pedagogical education cluster: content and form. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 01 (81), 250-257. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 250-257
Published: 30.01.2020
Abstract: The globalization process that is taking place all over the world requires the clustering of education as well as other areas. Globalization has led to a sharp increase in competition in the education services market. In this competitive environment, the cluster is a means of counteracting the power of globalization. The integration of education, science and industry around a common goal increases their potential. The pedagogical education cluster provides this cooperation. The article is based on the scientific view that the provision of competitiveness of subjects in the market of educational services by means of a cluster. The concept of the pedagogical education cluster is described and its needs, mechanisms, principles and directions of implementation are identified. The authors have extensively commented on the goals, objectives, principles and directions of the pedagogical education cluster. The organizational, practical significance and theoretical basis of the implementation of the pedagogical education cluster are described. The authors have sought to base their views on the opinions of Western scholars. Scientific researches of Western scientists on the educational cluster have been analyzed. There are scientific conclusions concerning social, economic, legal, marketing and pedagogical implications of clustering education.
Key words: globalization process, pedagogical education cluster, mimetic method, cluster strategies, goals, objectives, principles and directions of pedagogical education cluster.