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* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630 |
Khaitmatov, U. T., & Gazieva, V. A.
The development of an access control system based on contactless ID card reading technology. |
Full Article: PDF
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Language: English
Citation: Khaitmatov, U. T., & Gazieva, V. A. (2023). The development of an access control system based on contactless ID card reading technology. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 12 (128), 217-220. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 217-220
Published: 30.12.2023
Abstract: This article analyzes the directions of development of an access control system based on contactless ID card reading technology. The advantages and disadvantages of using contactless ID cards are also analyzed. In addition, our study presents conclusions and recommendations on the development of an access control system based on contactless ID card reading technology. Moreover, conclusions and recommendations are given on the development of an input control system based on contact card reading technology.
Key words: contactless ID card, reading technology, RFID cards, vulnerability of contactless cards.