ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science



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Editorial Board       p-ISSN 2308-4944 (print)       e-ISSN 2409-0085 (online)
SOI: 1.1/TAS         DOI: 10.15863/TAS

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ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science 12(80) 2019

Philadelphia, USA

* Scientific Article * Impact Factor 6.630

Pasechkina, T. N.

Communicative tolerance in the context of social skills.

Full Article: PDF

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Language: English

Citation: Pasechkina, T. N. (2019). Communicative tolerance in the context of social skills. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 12 (80), 501-504. Soi: Doi:

Pages: 501-504

Published: 30.12.2019

Abstract: XXI century, characterized by uncertainty, volatility, complexity, ambiguity places high demands on social skills. One of the most important is communicative self-efficacy. People who can empathize with others and appreciate different perspectives can communicate more effectively, as well as improving their collaboration skills and intercultural competence. A compromise in the dialogue is impossible without recognition of the other’s right to be different, without a certain level of mutual tolerance, to be more exact – communicative tolerance. The author of the article draws attention to the fact that students need to be taught these skills regardless of their future profession. The article also presents the results of a survey of students, which allowed saying if they possess and demonstrate communicative tolerance.

Key words: social skills, tolerance, communicative tolerance, communicative self efficacy.








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