Mukhammadjonov, M. S., Tursunov, A. S., & Abduraximov, D. R.
Automation of reactive power compensation in electrical networks. |
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Language: English
Citation: Mukhammadjonov, M. S., Tursunov, A. S., & Abduraximov, D. R. (2020). Automation of reactive power compensation in electrical networks. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (85), 615-618. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 615-618
Published: 30.05.2020
Abstract: This article analyses the existing problems of automation of reactive power compensation in electrical networks, automates circuits of reactive power sources in the power supply system using analytical and experimental methods, as well as provides recommendations for their optimization.
Key words: Reactive power, rectifier, synchronous machine, network, load, automatic control, coefficient, electrical device.