Shoyimova, S. S., Mirzaeva, N. A., & Mirzaeva, S. R.
Personal characteristics of business women. |
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Language: English
Citation: Shoyimova, S. S., Mirzaeva, N. A., & Mirzaeva, S. R. (2020). Personal characteristics of business women. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (85), 377-384. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 377-384
Published: 30.05.2020
Abstract: This article is an empirical study of the personality traits of women entrepreneurs, including the study of women's personality in gender and psychological research, as well as entrepreneurship, emotional stability, leadership, social maturity, social resilience, confidence, independence, personality traits such as self - control, agitation, and tension.
Key words: gender research, entrepreneurial personality, personality traits, initiative, emotional stability, leadership aspiration, social maturity, social resilience, confidence, self-confidence, independence, self-control, mobility and tension.