Khodjaev, B. K., Nishanova, M. K., & Abralova, Z. D.
Didactic parameters of development historical thinking in the pupils of secondary schools. |
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Language: English
Citation: Khodjaev, B. K., Nishanova, M. K., & Abralova, Z. D. (2020). Didactic parameters of development historical thinking in the pupils of secondary schools. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 05 (85), 15-19. Soi: Doi: |
Pages: 15-19
Published: 30.05.2020
Abstract: Following article had shed light on the importance and role some modernization didactic parameters of development historical thinking in pupils of secondary schools. The authors classifies the main points, tendencies and methods of philosophical-anthropological approach, opines practical-technological effects of using archeological skills in development historical thinking in secondary school pupils and pedagogical possibilities museum pedagogical.
Key words: human, history of humanity, approach, philosophical-anthropological approach, thought, history, historical thinking, category, tendency, method, archeology, archeologic skills, museum pedagogy, principles of museum pedagogy, museum educational program.